Prime Time TV: Archie, George and Race

This is the second post in the Archie Bunker series that addresses relevant topics. While race relations have come a long way, there is still more work ahead of us. There will always be work to be done.

What would Archie have said about America electing an African-American president? What makes Archie and George’s way of thinking about race relevant today? Are the conversations we have amongst one another and with our children helping to bridge how we view race? Share your experiences and thank you for joining in.

10 thoughts on “Prime Time TV: Archie, George and Race

    • Yes, racism is repelling. It’s ugly, for sure and as an African-American, I haven’t seen the worst of it personally. There are consequences for not being part of the majority. Crash, the movie, is a good example of what race looks like now.

      As for Edith, she existed then and does now. Fiction does imitate real life.


  1. I’d like to think that underneath his ignorance, and with a little bit of education and exposure, Archie would have changed. When that show was on, I felt it portrayed my father. So much so that when we met my niece’s then boyfriend, who is as dark as she is fair, I was at a loss. I didn’t know what to say to my dad, the racist.

    Dad welcomed him to the family, with open arms and an open heart. As long as I live I will be ashamed at MY assumptions and proud that my dad was so much better Han I thought he was.


    • Archie was still likable. Somehow they managed to manipulate the audience into this. Amazing. Your dad, maybe, went along with those views ’cause it was considered oppositional to feel otherwise. I learned that some years ago and looking at racism from that perspective opened my eyes a little. Good for your dad.


  2. What a fascinating idea to use Archie to look at race in America today. I’m kind of like Elyse. I’d like to think that Archie would have grown over the years, but somehow I fear he might not have.

    Hugs from Ecuador,


  3. The men of the Bunker’s and the Jefferson’s were consistent with the time, they were oddly lovable, despite their bigotry. They also got taught lessons, every single time they stomped their feet and dug themselves holes. It is unfortunate, in real life these lessons aren’t learned more frequently in with more ease. They were men of their time, but not so locked into their prejudice they couldn’t learn.

    Wonderful idea Tots, to use this as a way of looking at today.


    • They were oddly lovable, weren’t they? The show turned a mirror toward anyone like them. What they learned wouldn’t penetrate folk who shared their views. It’s usually something quite life-changing that brings on a different perspective and sometimes it doesn’t happen then either.


  4. Archie and Edith. We never missed the show and, as offensive and ignorant as Archie was, I believe we all learned strong messages from him about how NOT to be! A reverse psychology of sorts that somehow also created a lot of laughs. Good idea shining the spotlight on this from a modern perspective!

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