My Illustrious Fascination with Stupidity

In real life, I’m kinda serious. I can be on the silly side, and on another side, I can be like, whatever. I think, and of course I’ve given this serious, meditative thought, but I believe I’ve a fascination with stupidity. Now, I don’t do silly things like breathe heavily into the phone to my exes, mow the lawn in a bikini or none of that. It’s been a thought but time should be cherished and not wasted, which doesn’t match up with my gravitation to reality TV.

Yesterday, my sister was telling me the show Oprah produces on her network, Iyanla Fix My Life, is looking for folks to fix. Once upon a time ago, I was cool with this concept but on the serious side, I told her I’d have to be paid to air my dirty laundry; i.e. a reality show. Nobody’s getting all up and inside of my business for free, know what I’m saying? I also told her any issues I felt I had, I’m gonna go use my insurance to get worked on. If that’s not logical, you tell me what is, okay?

I, folks, feel like if anybody’s gonna profit off my issues, it should be me. If my issue is what’s making the show, that means I’m the star, however foolish I’ve been but I should be handsomely compensated to keep somebody else’s business profitable. Now, I will say, I like that show, as I do Dr. Phil. Having been a dedicated follower, I’m problem-free, other than the fact that I watch reality TV. It’s a bittersweet dilemma and I wonder if they’d encourage me to stop watching them.

Now, believe it or not, folk tell me, “Totsy, you’re so smart,” and I’ll think, Yeah, right. In the times we’re in now, along with my reality, smart has little to do with opening a book but rather, if you can get on TV and catapult your success beyond a yearly raise. It’s not sitting in a cubicle and working overtime, which you only see half of. Or going to work when you’re sick ’cause these days, your job is dangled over your head like a bouquet of Hershey’s Kisses. Uh uh, folks, it’s all about finding your inner fool and acting on it, which my dear folks, I’m giving serious thought to.


It’s A Social Media Jungle Out There

"So N Love" Oil Pastel. Copyright 2014 Totsymae

“So N Love” Oil Pastel. Copyright 2014 Totsymae

Folks, I finally got a Pinterest account. It was nothing like getting a credit or background check but I tell you folks, seems like that would be easier. I got a Facebook page I don’t halfway use. Luckily, the posts here automatically go there ’cause I’mma tell you the truth. Once I say what I want on this blog, I’ve said all I’m pretty much gonna say all day. Nobody needs to be able to locate where I’m Facebooking or Pinteresting from either. Oh, and don’t forget about my Twitter and Youtube accounts. Not to mention the email accounts. It’s driving me to snack. Now. Ask me if I remember any of the passwords. I get lucky, is all.

I used to have a Stumble On account but I didn’t like it. I can’t remember why. Somebody invited me to Klout and who in their right mind doesn’t want to have klout. Me, that’s who. I mean, it’s all too much. I have a life to live. It’s a social media jungle out there. When I first started with all this networking, I was on them fairly often. Facebook had its uses when I was in Saudi Arabia but now that I’m here, I don’t bother with it.

You know, I feel like I’m trying to keep up with the Joneses or be in some social club I wasn’t built for. And there are constant reminders of doom that if you’re not connected in these savvy ways, you may as well crawl under a rock and put your cave gear on. Well, I’m gonna keep my gear laundered and in the closet in case there’s another looming threat like Y2K.  Don’t laugh, you may just see me on the Yahoo list of  Who’s Trending Now.





The Creative Life…Excuses, Excuses…

"Kim Kardashian"  / Digital Art

“Kim Kardashian” / Digital Art

Good girls don’t get the attention, so a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. Don’t be mad at them ’cause they’ve got everything they want and not afraid to go after more of it. Like politicians, the public puts these folk where they are. They are the stuff that Hollywood’s made of now. Get used to it ’cause it’s not going away. It does, however, make it more challenging for plain ole folk, like you and me.

You know, we work hard in life and on these blogs and whatnot. You (not me) would snip your ear to get your creative endeavors noticed so you could give up that job and pursue it full-time but you just can’t bear the thought of any likenesses to someone who cut their entire ear off (Vincent Van Gogh). Some folk will do anything but you just haven’t thought of it ’cause you’re too busy being normal. Plus, you’re not willing to sell whatever’s left of your soul after a hard day’s work. It’s too exhausting. Besides, the house has to be cleaned. Your husband’s laid off and playing video games now, so you’re financially strapped. The woman across the street’s got Lawn of the Year and you’ve gotta outdo her. The dog needs to be walked, taken for a poop and he takes so darn long.  You’re depressed and had to get yourself some retail therapy with your girls. It’s just soooo busy…I absolutely feel you on some it…Well actually, none of the above but you know where I’m going with this, so don’t act.

"Nicki Minaj" / Digital Art

“Nicki Minaj” / Digital Art

I’m writing to you today, folks, to give myself a swift kick in my own tail and if you can identify, you should do the same. Not mine but yours. While I’ve been painting I’m not writing as much as I’d like.

So, what steps have I taken to make space for living a creative life? I cleaned my studio. I’m like a deer in the headlights now. I have a coupla projects to work on though. I think I’m gonna buy that paint you can turn into a chalkboard and write what I need to do so I can see it. I have figured out that I’m painting during the week and writing weekends. But what I’m doing is neither here or there. What’s your plan?

"Miley Cyrus" / Digital Art

“Miley Cyrus” / Digital Art