"Ugh" Digital Art  /  2013 Copyright  / Totsymae

“Ugh” Digital Art / 2013 Copyright / Totsymae

It’s been a long week and I’m real glad to see this weekend. However, my brain is still in work mode. I’m always thinking when I’m supposed to be resting but I should be cleaning up around here. Or doing the laundry. Or getting a massage. Or something close to nothing. I can’t decide. A woman’s work is never done, especially when she doesn’t do her work.

Though, enough nonsense talk. Folks, we’re about to go to war again. Now, I can’t speak on the Syria situation with detail. I just know we’re close to fighting again and I can’t tell you how tired I am of it. I used to wonder about those Middle Eastern parts of the world and thought how is it they don’t run outta folks with all that fighting for umpteen years. I can now see that there’ll always be plenty of folk who wanna go at it.

I do understand the U.S. is sleeping with the enemy, depending on who’s side you’re on. Though, I don’t understand this other part. If Russia’s Syria’s ally, why won’t they call Syria out. It’s like two friends and one being frank about a situation when the other one’s cuttin’ a fool. Say if that friend is you and I’m sitting in the window shooting BBs from my little gun for no good reason, other than to cut the fool. Somebody I shoot gets hot around the collar and wanna shoot me back. Why, according this this current situation, you’d come to my defense no matter how wrong I am, and commence to defending me. Am I making sense?

That’s how gangs operate, right? On the streets, it’s called gang-banging.

In politics, it’s war. We even give them memorable names…World War I…Spanish American War…Desert Storm…’Cause we have to justify foolishness and greed.