Self-Obsessed aka Facebook

Image Manipulation in Photoshop by Totsymae

“Anthony Weiner” Image Manipulation in Photoshop by Totsymae

7:30 am – I cut the grass. And yes, you do care. Like this status and win a ticket to your house.

9:00 am – Took a shower and sat on the sofa in a daze from cutting all that grass.

10:00 am – I’ve decided I really don’t like Facebook. Why do folk plan their days around it anyway?

11:00 am – Juiced a buncha carrots and some other vegetables. Boy, was it nasty…Why is it not okay to grab some leaves off a tree and snack on them with Picante Sauce?

12:30 pm – The summer art project with the homeschoolers is almost a wrap.

3:00 pm – Every time I turn around, I’m hungry. This is really getting on my nerves.

3:30 pm – I could really go for that vanilla ice cream and graham crackers in the kitchen. Been thinking about it for three whole days. Ridiculous…

4:30 pm – My inner chunky girl wants the carbs, not me. I’m like, so above that…Aren’t I?

8:30 pm – I wonder who could clean my studio on the cheap…I’m retiring Facebook, btw.

10:00 pm – I just love that broccoli soup from Publix…Okay, no more talk about food.

11:30 pm – Okay, I’m hungry again and I don’t think tree leaves and Picante Sauce are gonna cut it…If I was sleep, I wouldn’t even know I was hungry.

12:00 am – I have a cure for everything but how to shut up.

No, these were not real statuses on Facebook or anywhere. Dear Readers, do you obsess with social media? Can you go one week without it?

43 thoughts on “Self-Obsessed aka Facebook

  1. Oh my gosh, isn’t this the sad truth?!

    A non-fiction writer must have a platform. The main ingredient of the platform is “How many plates (social media platters) can you spin, successfully, at one time?

    Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Digg, ScoopIt, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon…the list goes on. All in an effort to increase your Klout (yes, there’s a website) and Kred (as in street credibility – and yes, there’s a website) you have so the publisher will know how extensive your “reach” is.


    • There are too many to know. I think there are some relevant ones to use but YouTube and blogs seem to be the primary ones. To me, anyway. Some others, and I do believe this includes Facebook, aren’t really worth the time. I’ve even read some ‘authorities’ say there should be multiple websites registered.


  2. I find it can be interesting and useful for “keeping up” with people I don’t see often. I also find it can be an obsession. I try not to post to often but I have days when I “check in” to read the new posts every hour. Going a week without is hard, but it can be done. I just don’t want to. Honest.


  3. I’m particularly partial to the glam photo shoots a “friend” does of her young teens and posts every three or four months. Creepy doesn’t begin to describe it.


  4. I too have written about the social media frenzy of today–it’s RIDICULOUS! The only reason I get on is if I can’t reach a friend any other way–everyone knows–everyone reading this right now KNOWS that if they can’t reach any one of their friends that they can find them on FB chat! And I do, every time! I hate FB not because I think the concept is stupid; on the contrary, I think this concept is f**%ing amazing! I hate FB the “company” behind the fun part. First of all they have double standards–check out the study I did–anyway I think your post was phenomenal 🙂 I love your approach to it, just really clever and witty!!


    • Thank you.
      I’ll have to check out that link. When you really think about, busy folk don’t really have time for all of this social networking. I was discouraged today with FB when I read that any and everybody would be able to access what users posted for the next two weeks. I don’t know why FB does that. I also don’t like that users security is always compromised. It’s really gotten on my nerves. For real.


      • You know what? You’re right!! I have blocked people before and had them still be able to contact me! If I had a way to get through to all of my friends easily I would delete my account this very minute!


  5. I don’t get the point of FB. I never have. Now, I’m on it, but I don’t know why. (My son’s wife set me up on it a couple of years ago.) I guess I’m not too bad yet because I’ve never updated my status with “I’m having a sandwich”, but still. It’s a waste of time and a time suck. But I still look at it just about every day.


  6. Great post and your point is well made. People with nothing to say are better served saying just that.

    I do have a lot of friends on face book that I met on it in groups. They are regular visitors of my site and I a. Always happy to hear from them. Could I go a week without it? Sure I could but I wouldn’t want to.


    • Self-publishing demands FB? I was watching an actor interview last week and he wasn’t on any social network. And he wasn’t all that famous really but famous enough, I guess. I think there has to be a more ingenious way to bring an audience to self-publishers.


  7. Well written post and thanks for the giggle. I’ve seen status updates like that and it’s really a shame that some people have to do that to get attention. I have 2 FB accounts. One for FB games and one for family and friends. I do spend more time on the games one especially for the days when I don’t feel like doing anything or when I don’t feel well. But I must say, I do prefer WordPress. It’s much more interactive and more fun than Facebook. 😀


    • Thanks.
      I used to be hooked on Words with Friends. I have addictions that last only for so long, so I know how to quit. I used to tell myself that playing the game helped me to think and then I’d later find that I’d been playing for 3 hours. I love word games, so no matter the platform, I’ll fall for it.


      • 😆 I know the feeling. I am hooked on Solitaire and Pet Rescue. I’ve tried the word games and liked it but I like card games more. 😀


  8. I use social media to take the pulse. I rarely post anything personal, but I do post snippits to get responses and generate discussion.

    This was brilliant, by the way. Funny and exact. I have a few on my feed who put up far to much personal information.


    • I liked Facebook initially but I canceled my acct for the same reason as now. Plus, I say enough on the blog. One can only talk so much before the foot gets caught in the mouth.

      I do like engaging in some discussions. Though, I have purposely stayed away from discussing Trayvon Martin because it makes me so angry.

      Glad you enjoyed the approach. I do hope Weiner learns something this second time from his obsessions. Wouldn’t wanna see a third slip up.


  9. You had a full day. Nice likeness of Anthony Weiner. Good thing you didn’t do a portrait of Anthony’s weener, but that been done already.
    P S I don’t do Face Book so i don’t know what all the fuss is about.


  10. I am someone who resisted facebook for years and years.. now I confess to loving it..mainly because it’s so easy to keep in contact with people scattered far and wide.. I use it to post and psrk debate being a socialist, activist and pacifist!


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