The Best Candidates for 2016

Happy Spring

What a nice, quiet day. So nice and quiet, in fact, I began singing the Zippety Do Dah song in my head. I also taught myself  how to create an animated gif, which you can see above. I know. It drove me crazy too as I typed this post. I was going for something else that had nothing to do with making a gif and got a little frustrated. Maybe next time, I’ll do one of Barbara Walters doing a farewell yackety-yack on The View and dedicate it to Elyse, over at Fifty-Four and a Half. She loves herself some Baba. Giggle, giggle. Or better yet, I can make a gif  of Oprah giving me two of all her favorite things or even much better yet, her writing me a check.

Anyhow, I’ve been checking the news out and reading a bit and see that Ben Carson, the pediatric neurosurgeon, may run for president in a coupla years. He’s even left his job at John Hopkins ’cause he’s been speaking all over the country and whatnot. Said he’d only run if God called him to and since everybody’s taking a liking to him, why, this is the sign he’s been needing to confirm God’s word. I reckon that’s how churches are built up too.

Hillary may run but my auntie said Hillary’s too far in age to be president. My thing with Hillary is she’s got herself a temper. And she’s a woman. After watching Scandal, I’m not real sure. But we’ll see. Bill would make a good First Lady though ’cause while he was getting stimulated during his presidency, that trickled into the economy so I may have to give Hillary some real thought. We may have to put up with Chris Christie, who likes to vent in public when folk, particularly the press, pose relevant questions to him. I’d like to see him run though ’cause he’s kinda interesting.

Though personally, I think Ernie and Burt from Sesame Street would make good candidates. What do you think?